


Ours is a student focused teaching institute and we focus on imparting education in a way in which it sticks and the concept grows from within.

We strive to achieve highest levels of understanding through various activities such as practicals, debates, pop quiz and much more.


We use extensive technology such as sound bars, wireless headphones and TWS earbuds to name a few to facilitate individual learning, subsequently learning is progressive and so is relaxation and entertainment which is also a must for all round understanding.

All this helps student understand the class and subject better and this gives them a firm grasp on the matter, all doubts cleared.


Our teachers believe that a concept that is fully understood sticks and with that in mind they focus on each student individually and do not let the performance of a class impair their judgement.

Enough time is spent and allocated to recreational activities such as games, sports, TV viewing , movie screening and GYM to ensure that our students are not only mentally fit and rested but they are also physically strong and active.

Also we have washing machines so that our students focus more on creative aspects of learning and spend less time infuriating over daily chores.

Similarly each sleeping room, class room and entertainment room is equipped with an adequately sized air conditioners to provide for an optimal learning and humane temperatures.


Taking cues from environment and greenery, we also focus and improve the skills and encourage plantations and natural habitation. Use of search engines such as google itself and innovations such as Augmented reality are promoted to ensure long lasting grasp of information.